Privacy policy

Responsible for the processing of your personal data

The person responsible for the processing of your personal data is José Javier Lopez Lopez with NIF: 47067628Z. The contact details of the data controller are as follows: Address: La Roda, Albacete – Ctra. Villalgordo, nº 13 02630 . Telephone: 662 36 93 13 From now on:

Purpose and processing

Compulsory and voluntary processing of personal data is carried out at Compulsory processing: Your data will be processed in order to manage the provision of the service contracted by the customer. Additionally, may process your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation incumbent upon it. Voluntary processing: Other processing of your personal data that does not respond to the need to execute a contract or comply with a legal obligation may also be carried out, and you may object to such processing. Thus, as long as you have not objected to it through the channels provided and you have given us your express consent, you may receive, by any communication channel (including, among others, email, SMS and phone calls), information about products or services offered by that may be of interest to you. Cookies are also used for the personalisation of advertisements. Management of web services: Additionally, provided that you have registered, your personal data may be processed for the purpose of managing the user service on the web. The personal data of customers will be kept for as long as they are necessary for the provision of the services set out in the contract. As soon as they are no longer necessary for this purpose, the data will be blocked for the duration of the contract.

Data collected

Only the data strictly necessary to carry out the normal activity of the service will be collected in accordance with the principle of data minimisation (Art.5.b RGPD). In any case, this data will be of a personal identifying nature and not sensitive, and may be: Identifying data. Contact details. Bank details. Address data. Curriculum (academic and professional data).

Recipients of personal data

Your personal data may be transferred to Public Administrations, Authorities and Public Bodies, including Courts and Tribunals, when so required by the applicable regulations. Your personal data may also be accessed by service providers that contracts or may contract and who have the status of data processor.

Legitimation for the processing and transfer of personal data

As already indicated, the legal basis for the development of the purposes included in the previous section as ‘mandatory processing’ will be the execution of a contract or compliance with applicable legal obligations. Therefore, the refusal to provide the personal data requested, or the provision of inaccurate or incomplete data, could result in the impossibility of providing the contracted services in an appropriate manner. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, as well as to communicate to any changes to them. The processing carried out for the purpose of sending commercial communications about products or services offered by will be legally based on the legitimate interest of For this reason, you may object to them at the time of providing the data by checking the box in the particular conditions or at any time thereafter. You will find the information necessary to exercise your right to object in section 7 below, ‘Rights of the data subject in relation to the processing of your personal data’. The processing carried out for the purpose of sending you commercial communications about other products or services offered by will have as a legal basis the consent that you may have given. Therefore, as long as you do not withdraw your consent, it is p

Security measures, with the aim of making its Data Protection Policy effective and efficient, has adopted the necessary technical and organisational security measures to prevent the alteration, loss, misuse, unauthorised processing and access or theft of the same, taking into account the state of technology.

Rights of the data subject in relation to the processing of his or her personal data

You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation of processing and data portability in the cases and with the scope established by the applicable regulations at all times. You also have the right to withdraw consent if you have given it and to object to receiving commercial communications. To exercise these rights you may contact by any of the following channels: Postal mail, enclosing a photocopy of your ID card, passport or any other identification document, and a request specifying the request to the address La Roda, Albacete Ctra. Villalgordo, nº 13 – 02630. E-mail to the address with the following information: name and surname(s) of the interested party, address for notification purposes, photocopy of the National Identity Document, passport or any other identification document, and request specifying the application. You are also informed of your right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

  • Electronic headquarters:
  • Postal address: Spanish Data Protection Agency. C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001-Madrid
  • By telephone: 901 100 099 | 91 266 35 17

Origin of the data

The personal data processed by are those provided by you for the contracting of the services offered.